Wednesday, February 24, 2010


HAlo....long time no see.....

Now tips for a Wedding Dresses.
Prepare for maried is very spending time, energy and money.
woman many times confuse abaout wedding dresses,because her body shape.

Firstthing, you must aks designer to pick or choose for you with some selection wedding dresses.

Second, to invite your best friends or you family with you to choose wedding dresses.

Third, Dont hurry.You must calm down and think concertration.

The Lastthing is "Do You Fill Confortable wear Your Wedding Dresses"....

I hope a few tips about that can give your idea for wedding dresses....see you.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tips for looking the place for wedding...HMmm...

Alo....We meet again...How are You? Just Fine And Wealth.

Now i have a tips for The Place Wedding.
Wedding is the beautyful moment in someone life.
Not just one people but two people become One for whole a lifetime.
Your wedding not need more expensive for choose wedding packet.
You can choose low budget for your wedding.
The firts thing is,

1> The Building not must strategic.
Purpose of building is everyone can get in and following the show.
Because the guest will come what ever the place is.

the second thing is,

2>Even the HOUSE can be a wedding place.
You can decoration with your will.
Your house can become a beautyful place to marreid.

Thats all a few simple tips wedding place for you......see u..=)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Simple Tips for decide the souvenir wedding..HMmm...

Halo....we met again..
I have few simple tips for souvenirs wedding.This part is look easy but if you don't calculate will be waste money.Now we go..

1.First you must know how many guest will come to your wedding. must estimate the budget for yours souvenir wedding. must find and quote the price to get the souvenir same with the budget.

4.Four...Give one souvenir for the guest if couple.

Thats all my tips today for you...hahahaha...see you...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Now...I have few tips for Girls or wife...HMmmm...

To be a gilrs or wife is a destiny..but you can handle it.
This a few tips for you girls or wife...HMmm...

1.A wife or a girls is not a housekeeper.
Thats is a responsibility for both.Must have a good teamwork and communicate.

2.A wife or girls must have a humble heart.
Thats no mean a man can be selfis.

3.A wife or girls can not to laid low a man.
God create a woman to help a man.

Thats all a few tips from me. enjoy it...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tips For the Guy...Husband or Man.

"A man not abaout where he live but where he place to lovwe"

I have a few tips for husband or man already have a wife and couple.
This is a few tips for you guys...

1. Show your love through sacrifice and commitment.
A man can't egoist.A man's love must be natural not because a duty.
2. Leadership and courages.
A leadership must learn how to serving,then he can lead through his example.
3. Priority your wife.
A man or husband must learn to know his wife's needs.
4. Communication and expression your greatful.
A man or husband must to be continually learn to know his wife,communicate verbal or non verbal.
5. Unity.
The covenant marriage symbol of the biggest unity.

So my Friends that a few tips for you guys...see you next time =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I know that u love.....
That something you had and Me....
That something you done before
And I got strenght to love You FOREVER